Kite Line laundry is kite slang for the colorful, comment-provoking creations that you attach to your kite's flying line and lift into the sky with your kite. The kite cannot fly on its own.
9KM 3.9m Crab Kite Line Laundry Soft Inflatable Pendant Show Kite for Kite Festival Best 30D Ripstop Nylon Fabric with Bag
Please look for our brand, you get what you pay for, and put an end to low-price and low-quality products!
The main price structure of the kite is the fabric and design production, we use 30D Nylon Ripstop Fabric, which is softer, more durable and lighter.
This cheeky design has the cutest eyes…watch out for him at the beach this summer, he will be after your big toe.
A great addition to our aquarium range.